The best colors for small bathrooms are light shades of cool colors like blue, the color of cream or light green. However, they can use warm tones without sacrificing illusion of space, the secret is knowing how to balance with the rest of the room. The color will show light or absorb it. Use it in muted tones, if you like warm colors. The floors and white ceilings help keep up balance in a space.

Neutral colors are shades of brown, gray, white and even at times the black. They are ideal for wall base. Contrasting colors can add either hot or cold to add details that complement the decor.
If you want to do something flashy, can paint the wall opposite the entrance to the bathroom in a strong color, depth and balance with a neutral color paint on the walls adjacent. To coordinate the environment, add items that stand out, such as colored towels, decorations on the walls and fabrics in dark colors.

Another option is to use different shades of the same color in a small bathroom, and keep your eyes moving. This move gives a perception greater space. Each time you add a contrasting color, the view braked and the room seems smaller.
Paler versions of warm colors such as coral and canary yellow light work very well as well as cool colors to maximize visual space. However, when using a monochromatic palette, try not to put more than three shades. If you want more contrast, do small details that stand out.

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